Our Story

After decades of working as a board certified geriatrician with a focus in hospice and palliative care, our founder envisioned C4C as a solution to the caregiver stress she witnessed daily.

She realized that clinical practices were failing, leaving caregivers to struggle through a complex system without adequate support. She came to understand that caregivers were best positioned and trained to support other caregivers— that community-based care could be the solution to the current Caregiving Crisis in the US.

No one knows the life of a caregiver better than a caregiver. They know the challenges and the joys. They have the best tips to share and the most empathy for others in a similar situation.

All that remained to enact this solution was to create a network of caregiver support through an online platform devoted to caregivers and their loved ones.

No one should have to struggle alone. Caregiving 4 Care is here to help.

Array of baked goods falling into basket.
Sweet pastries on stacked on tabletop.


Our Mission

We aim to help caregivers be the best for themselves and their loved ones through our robust online community.

We understand that—while it is sometimes difficult to support our loved ones—it is often harder to show up for ourselves. There is rarely enough time, it feels selfish, and we don’t know what to do. However, caregiver stress frequently causes mental and physical decline in both caregivers and their loved ones.

Caring for caregivers is not optional.

Caregiving 4 Care wants to make it easier for caregivers to get the support they need and deserve. By caring for themselves, caregivers can better care for those they love.

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 Get Involved —

We can’t do it without you.

We need feedback on our pioneering app for caregivers.

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